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Wednesday, 17 October 2012

PC Optimizer Pro Portable Free Download Full Version

PC Optimizer Pro The Fastest, Easiest Way to Tune, Manage and Optimize Your PC, Today!
PC Optimizer Pro will repair all these invalid references that cause instability, PC errors, constant crashes, general system slowdowns and other PC problems

Universal Fixer
The Universal Fixer feature of PC Optimizer Pro lets you clean up invalid entries, junk files and internet junk which may affect your PC's performance and activity. Thus, it improves your PC's effectiveness and strength. It is a vital tool if you don't want costly hardware upgrades.
File Shredder
File Shredder function does the job of permanently removing files from your disk thereby dispelling the fears of them being ever recovered (a vital function because even when you trash files or reformat your hard drive, data can still be recovered and can be misused).
Program Uninstaller
Program Uninstaller uninstalls useless programs present in your PC, making your PC simpler and friendlier for you.
Manage Startup
Manage Startup is a type of software utility which brushes up your PC's start-up so that you may have a speedier PC. It allows you to control, configure and review your programs that start when you power up your system or logon to Windows.
System Info
System Info gives useful pieces of information regarding your system's configuration.
Windows Tools
Windows Tools is an umbrella utility of PC Optimizer Pro that gives a user multiple ways to manage different sorts of Windows related functions of their PC.
Restore Backup
With Restore Backup , you can reverse the action of registry cleaning performed by you the last time.
This program offers the tools to optimize your PC's performance, but with most of its features disabled for the trial, we had no way of knowing if it performs as promised. What little bit we did get to experience proved to be sluggish and often times unresponsive.
PC Optimizer Pro has a straightforward user interface. Menu commands for scanning your registry, erasing tracks, and shredding files run down the left side of the window. Each command's details and actions are displayed in the same window. No matter which command we selected, the program quickly scanned and produced results. But implementing any action was another story. The program required that we enter our name and e-mail address, and ultimately, pay for the program before we could perform any of the cleaning and shredding actions. The Manage Startup feature did let us disable items from start-up, but we found the list of programs incomplete. Also, after scanning our registry, the program became unresponsive whenever we tried to select any found registry items for view.
A built-in Help feature is included with the program. Without being able to witness the full performance of this program's features, we can't give it our recommendation. This is a category packed with options and we suggest you try out other programs that let you test all of its features.

Read more:
  • High Performance Scan
  • Auto Updated
  • Registry Care
  • Junk Files Cleaner
  • Temp Files Cleaner
  • Slow PC Performance
  • Fixes Invalid Application Paths
  • Checks Uninstall Sections
  • Computer Freezing
  • Internet Explorer Errors
  • Blue Screen
  • Corrupt Registry Files
  • Computer & Application Shutdown
  • Program Shortcuts
  • Add/remove Program Manager
  • Checks Recently Used Files

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